Friday, April 22, 2005

A brief Interlude...

Happy hour tonight at Stetson's--U and 16th Streets NW. I have received some comments that Stetson's is not metro-friendly. To this I say pish posh. Stetson's is in pleasant ambling distance from both the Dupont Circle metro and its cousin the U street metro. The fun starts around 6.

Album of the day: The Shins, Chutes Too Narrow.
Word of the day: Swishy.
Website of the day: for OC and the Apprentice recaps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To see Television Without Pity in all its true glory, you must read the recaps of the truly horrific shows. I recommend the recaps of the particularly putrid and late but not lamented Get Real.

Here's the link:
Get Real

12:01 AM  
Blogger Red Photography said...

I finally reached the 100th posting milestone on TWOP and now have a new user designation, although I cannot at the moment remember what it is.

7:29 AM  

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